


Saluda Poem 2004
By Philip Powell

Angels are shiny
They’re like shadows
They hear you when you sing
Their eyes glow like a diamond ring
Angels fly over us
They’re like heroes
They live in the mountains
They guard you when you sleep
An old woman is like an angel
They fly over churches every night
And give peace to people
They help us
An angel looks like a princess
They take us to church
To give thanks to the Lord
That God is king
Angels can hear your prayers
And know what you’re thinking
They help you if you have a problem
Or need help
They can sing in church
They sing Gloria
They have a kind of power, a love power
Angels watch me paint
And help me think
Angels are nice
I agree with angels
I agree with God
When you die, angels help you die.
They see your face
They hold you up.

His name is Philip
by Roger Hutchison

His name is Philip
and he paints angels.
Outstretched wings
against cerulean blue
Faces of children
and animal friends.
A gift for those who
need them
Wings that are slender.
Wings that are open.
Wings that reach to Heaven.
Wings that protect.
His angels come to life
on blank canvas
on wooden panels.
Painted with unwavering focus
and the memories of those he loved the most.
Born from his gentle heart.
Born from his thick fingers.
Born from grace.
With a gleam in his almond shaped eyes,
With hands and arms,
floors and walls
covered in paint
and love
Philip shares his holy gift.
One angel at a time.
With bold strokes and intense colors.
With childlike abandon.
Philip’s angels soar.
Philip soars.
And the healing begins.


Dedicated to my friend Philip

I have known deep sorrows
And aloneness has been my friend
It is old and earthy
And can be seen
In the eyes of Mary
I will embrace
My way of knowing
Even while change
Dances all around me
I will put my feet
In the fire
And my soul will live…
For in my life
I have touched
The face of angels